Author: Lauren Wurth

Lauren Wurth is a content team member who is passionate about sharing engaging content! She has a history of writing content for retail, lifestyle, and entertainment verticals. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family, stopping by Dunkin Donuts for a coffee, and exploring other parts of the world.

It is perfectly okay to appreciate the talent and aura of a public figure. However, some people idolize celebrities to an unhealthy degree. Sadly, some claim that social media has made kids into celebrity addicts, and parents are worried. Many kids today have become obsessed with celebrities, almost worshiping them. All fingers point to social media as the reason for this unhealthy obsession. Taylor Swift’s “Eras Tour” in Movie Theatres Source: Chad Davis/Flickr Just this October, Taylor Swift broke the world record for the most profitable concert film in history. As part of her Eras Tour, fans could watch Swift’s…

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Fewer people are paying for sessions with shrinks these days, perhaps due to the costs. Interestingly, Gen Z seems to have found an alternative in mediums, as it appears they now trust them more than therapists. But why do people consult mediums to begin with? Many individuals often seek psychic or psychological help for various reasons. However, the emotional stress that trails losing a loved one seems to be one popular reason in particular. Mediums are Now 10-a-cent Source: BarbDGtoronto/X It is now commonplace to stumble on an online séance session with multiple individuals simultaneously logged in. Such sessions are…

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Former professional footballer David Beckham is no stranger to infidelity scandals. Rumors of his unfaithfulness to his wife, Victoria Beckham, started as far back as September 2003 when he was seen at a nightclub with Rebecca Loos, his assistant. This happened only a few months after he moved to Madrid to play for Los Blancos, Real Madrid. Things began to escalate on April 4, 2004, when the British News of the World Newspapers alleged that the football star had fired Loos after being romantically involved with her. Loos, on her part, intensified the rumor by confirming it in a tell-tale…

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