Cher’s Request for Conservatorship Over Her Son Is Denied

By: Georgia | Published: Feb 05, 2024

A Los Angeles Superior Court Judge has declined Cher’s petition for a temporary emergency conservatorship over her adult son, Elijah Blue Allman.

The court ruled against the urgency of Cher’s request, citing Allman’s ability to manage his finances, maintain an apartment, and remain drug-free, as evidenced by several drug tests. The decision leaves the possibility of a long-term conservatorship open for discussion in a future March hearing.

Second Attempt Unsuccessful

This was not the first time Cher’s request had been denied; a previous attempt earlier in January was also unsuccessful, People reports.

Cher with long, black curly hair and fair skin, wearing a black sequined beret and a black jacket adorned with silver embellishments, stands in front of a promotional backdrop for "The Prom."

Source: Getty Images

The judge cited the same reasons, emphasizing Allman’s apparent ability to manage his own affairs. The proceedings were extended to allow Allman and his attorneys more time to review the necessary paperwork.

Elijah Allman’s Objection to Conservatorship

Before the initial Jan. 5 hearing, Allman filed an objection to Cher’s conservatorship petition. Documents obtained by People stated that “no reason exists for the appointment of a conservator” as he saw “no emergency that requires it.”

Elijah Allman stands in front of a promotional backdrop for Anthony Meindl's Actor Workshop. He has short brown hair, a light beard, and is wearing a khaki button-up shirt

Source: Getty Images

In his objection, Allman acknowledged his past struggles with addiction and financial management but emphasized his current journey toward sobriety under medical supervision.

Cher’s Motivation Behind the Conservatorship Request

Cher, motivated by concern for her son’s well-being, sought a temporary conservatorship, fearing for his life due to severe mental health and substance abuse issues.

Cher and Elijah at a nighttime event. The man, on the left, is dressed in a formal black tuxedo with a bow tie and has his eyes closed. The woman on the right is smiling broadly, wearing a black jacket

Source: Getty Images

Court documents obtained by Us Weekly reveal that Cher believes her son is “substantially unable to manage his own financial resources,” necessitating her intervention to prevent potential misuse of funds and safeguard his health.

Elijah’s Legal and Personal Support in Court

During the court hearing, Elijah Blue Allman was accompanied by his legal team and his estranged wife, Marieangela King, People reports.

A black and white photo of Elijah Allman standing against a textured wall next to a window with closed white blinds. He is wearing dark sunglasses, a short-sleeved t-shirt, and a necklace.

Source: Elijah Blue/Instagram

Despite Cher’s remote participation in the hearing, the court was swayed by evidence of Allman’s current stable condition, including his financial independence and commitment to sobriety.

Financial Management Concerns Addressed in Court

The hearing also delved into the management of Elijah’s financial affairs.

An over-the-shoulder view of a financial transaction in progress at a business setting. One person is handing over a stack of US dollar bills to another individual who is sitting at a desk. On the desk, there's an open laptop

Source: jcomp/Freepik

People reports that Cher’s legal team proposed that financial distributions from trusts be directed not directly to Elijah but to vendors, aiming to ensure that the funds are used responsibly. This approach seeks to mitigate risks associated with Elijah’s past substance abuse and mental health challenges.


Legal Arguments and Health Concerns Presented

During the court proceedings, Cher’s attorneys highlighted Elijah’s mental health treatment and past involuntary detentions under California’s 5150 legal code.

A photo featuring Cher and Elijah together at an outdoor event. Cher, on the left is smiling and wearing a black hat and a black and gray outfit with a sparkling detail on her shoulder. Elijah, on the right is wearing a gray flat cap, a navy blue scarf, and a dark coat

Source: Getty Images

People reports that they argued for the conservatorship by citing his schizoaffective disorder and the pursuit of a bipolar diagnosis, emphasizing the urgency from a health perspective. Yet, The Guardian reveals that Judge Jessica A Uzcategui found the evidence insufficient for an emergency conservatorship.


Judge’s Rationale Against Temporary Conservatorship

The judge’s decision was rooted in the absence of sufficient evidence to warrant an emergency conservatorship.

Woman in judicial robes sits at a large wooden desk, writing on a document. To her left is a small statue of Lady Justice holding the scales of justice, and a wooden gavel rests on its stand. The desk is in a room lined with bookshelves filled with various law books


Despite acknowledging Cher’s concerns for her son, the ruling emphasized that fears and hypotheticals alone could not justify such a legal arrangement, as per information from People.


Elijah’s Response to Court Ruling

Following the court’s decision, Elijah Blue Allman expressed his gratitude for the support from fans, friends, and the community.

Elijah Allman is pictured at an event. He is wearing a black jacket and has a serious expression. The backdrop features advertising

Source: Getty Images

His attorney, Steven Bremer, shared with People, “Elijah is thrilled, as the court saw, he does not need a temporary conservatorship. He’s doing great.”


Scrutiny of Conservatorships in the Spotlight

The Guardian explains that the case between Cher and Elijah Blue Allman adds to the broader conversation on conservatorships, especially in the wake of the publicized Britney Spears case.

Britney Spears holds a microphone and sings on stage. She is wearing neon netted fingerless gloves.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

It highlights the complexities and legal standards involved in granting conservatorships, stressing the importance of balance while protecting individuals’ well-being and respecting their autonomy.


Future Court Hearings and Ongoing Legal Proceedings

According to People, the judge has scheduled an additional hearing for March 6, indicating that the legal discussions surrounding Elijah’s conservatorship are far from over.

A close up photo of Cher posing with Elijah, he is wearing pale makeup and is wearing black lipstick and smeared black eyeliner

Source: Getty Images

This upcoming hearing will further explore the possibility of a long-term conservatorship, taking into account the developments and arguments presented by both parties since the initial request.


Anticipation for the March Hearing

As both parties prepare for the upcoming March hearing, the case continues to gain attention for its implications on conservatorship laws, celebrity families, and the management of mental health and financial independence.

A photo of Cher at an event in Las Vegas. She has long blond hair and is wearing a metallic silver top and jacket

Source: Getty Images

The future hearings will further determine the course of Elijah’s conservatorship and address the ongoing concerns raised by Cher.
