Anthony Romine, a prisoner in Florida, reportedly escaped prison by faking injury after a fall.
Romine was recaptured some hours later in painful fashion as the police found him under a pile of shrubs in a forest.
Original Arrest

It only took Romine a few short weeks to begin plotting his escape from prison, after he was originally arrested on July 3.
He was arrested for felonies including petty theft and counterfeiting in Flager County, Florida.
Fall Injury?

In what the police believe was the first step in his escape plan, he went to officers with an injury complaint.
He claimed that he fell and injured his arm, and so had to be taken to hospital for treatment.
Officer Distracted

The sheriff’s office referred to an officer becoming distracted while they were at the hospital.
The distraction led to Romine’s escape, and the police say that an investigation will be launched into how the officer had lost track of his charge.
On The Run

Romine may have eluded the officer at the hospital, but his escape was not to last long, as he was recaptured just 7 hours later.
The police relied on phone calls from locals to help track down the wayward prisoner.
Catching The Scent

Romine was eventually found following leads from locals and with the help of a K-9 unit.
He was discovered cowering under a pile of foliage in the forest.
Painful Reunion With the Law

Romine, who not long prior had allegedly faked an arm injury, was bitten hard in the arm by the police dog.
Romine screamed out, and was clearly in a lot of pain.
Lengthy Dog Bite

The dog continued to bite down on Romine, who was begging officers to help him release his arms from the dog’s jaws.
But the deputies were initially more concerned with the dog’s wellbeing, warning him to “stop biting my dog”.
Crying in Pain

Romine appeared to be crying as he was escorted by officers away from his hiding spot.
One of the deputies pointed out the futility of his attempt: “You thought you were going to get away?”
Canine Compliment

The K-9 unit that ultimately discovered Romine in the underbrush will receive a treat for “taking a bite out of crime,” according to Rick Staly, Flager County Sheriff.
“All he accomplished was to add additional arrests to his list of crimes and got bitten by our K-9 … Fortunately, no one was hurt except this dirtbag who was crying after he was caught by our K-9.”