New Orleans officials have found a way to combat the imposition of a new state law regarding concealed carry of weapons.
New Orleans police and legislators had pushed back against the new state law, which was passed earlier in the year.
Law Allows Permitless Concealed Carry

The new state law brought in by Louisiana officials means that gun-owners are allowed to carry a concealed weapon withoiut a permit.
This represents a significant loosening of gun restrictions in the state and aligns it with other states that have adopted ‘Constitutional Carry’ laws.
New Orleans Police and Lawmakers Unhappy With Decision

Police and lawmakers from the city of New Orleans had attempted to resist new legislation prior to the passing of the bill.
They were concerned about the danger to the public of the loosening of gun restrictions, especially in busy areas such as the French Quarter.
Louisiana Following Example Set By Other States

The law is not unprecedented, with more than half of US states now permitting Constitutional Carry.
With the passing of this bill, Louisiana has become the 28th state to allow its citizens to carry a concealed weapon without a permit.
Law Follows 2008 Landmark Ruling on Gun Restrictions

The US Supreme Court underwent a detailed interpretation of 2nd amendment rights for the first time in the 2008 District of Columbia vs Heller case.
They found self-defense to be a “central component of the 2nd Amendment”, invalidating a ban on handguns in Washington D.C.
Louisiana Law Yet to Take Effect

The concealed carry legislation in Louisiana was passed on March 5, but hasn’t yet taken effect.
Local New Orleans officials are taking action before the law takes full effect on August 1.
City Officials Determined to Work Around Law

Concerned city officials are looking to other laws for a potential workaround that would allow them to continue restricting gun ownership for public safety reasons.
The City Council president, Helena Moreno, said in a press conference: “We were not just going to sit back and say, ‘Oh, well.'”
New Orleans Police Department Training Adjustment

The NOPD have moved some of their training to the 8th Disctrict police station.
This will mean that the station can be permitted as a vocational school, making it subject to certain laws.
Implications of Training in 8th District

As a vocational school, the area around the 8th District police station will become a protected zone.
This means that anywhere within 1000 feet of the new school will be subject to school-zone gun restrictions under existing law.
Protection for Busiest Parts of New Orleans

The workaround is intended to protect some of the busiest parts of New Orleans, which will come within the 1000 feet school zone.
It covers around 5 blocks across Canal Street, Bourbon Street and Toulouse. The NOPD are not considering the creation of further schools at this time.