A group of wild pigs dug up huge chunks of Geyserville New Tech Academy, leading to an estimated $150,000 worth of damage.
The devastation caused by the pigs, who remain at large, shocked school workers and locals alike who use and pass by the Sonoma County education center.
Not First Incident

Although this was a costly attack, it was not the first time a group of wild pigs had terrorized the academy.
Last year, they targeted the campus’ sports grounds, ripping up parts of their baseball, soccer, and softball facilities.
Defenses Erected

Due to their past experiences, the school had put up some defenses to combat the threat of the rampaging porcines.
They had spent $50,000 erecting a purpose-built, chain-link fence in order to keep the pigs from tearing up some of the previously targeted grounds.
Damage Done

However, the fences did not stop the pigs, who simply chose a different area of the school site to dig up.
They destroyed large patches of grass and dug trenches as deep as 6 inches over a wide area at the front of the school.
Initial Theory

The pigs’ return was not the first theory that superintendent of the school district, Debra Bertolucci, came up with, as she told SF Gate.
“At first, I thought my maintenance crew was doing repairs on our sprinklers. Then I realized, ‘Oh no, it’s the pigs.’ It’s crazy,” she told the publication.
Caught On Tape

The pigs might have gotten away with it were it not for surveillance footage capturing the incident in full.
According to the footage, the group was a half dozen strong, with 2 adults bringing along 4 juveniles.
Like a Bulldozer

One local dog walker, John Demarest, found the damage remarkable, and colorfully described it using a “bulldozer” analogy.
Interviewed by the Press Democrat, Demarest said the pigs “went to town. It looks like the work of a small bulldozer.”
Total Damages

The damage caused by the animals was estimated at a whopping $150,000, an amount for which it will be difficult for the school to raise.
As Bertolucci puts it: “It’s a big hit for us. We’re a small school and don’t have a lot of facility money. I’m just shocked by the amount of damage that was done.”
Still Loose

The pigs remain loose, and on the run, but the school is taking more drastic steps to stop them from making another raid.
According to the school’s supervisor of facilities maintenance, Jason Lish, trappers have been hired to track down and capture the nuisances.
Safety Warning

Wild pigs are dangerous animals, and, though attacks by them are rare, they have been known to attack, maim, and even kill humans.
In 2024 alone, so far, wild pigs have killed 7 people, and fatalities have increased since the turn of the millennium.